Liturgical Ministries
Christ the King is truly a faith-filled parish with many ministries to serve parishioners and the community. If you feel called to any of these ministries, please contact the person in charge or the rectory for more information.
Altar Servers Assist at Holy Day and weekend Masses. For those who have made their First Communion and older. |
Contact: Fred Kuo: (203-980-5183) OR Jen Komanetsky: (860-538-3690) |
Lector The members of this ministry are very dedicated in effectively communicating the sacred liturgy in the first and second readings at each Mass. Each lector has a very helpful and informative workbook to assist in preparing for the readings at each Mass. Lectors read at either 1 or 2 Masses per month. |
Contact: Felix Kessel: |
Ushers Welcome people to weekend Masses. Each usher also assists in passing out the collection basket during the offertory. |
Contact: Bob Uricchio: |
Choir Provides both vocal and instrumental enhancement of the liturgy on weekends and holy days. |
Contact: Thad Terzo: |
Religious Education Offers faith formation and sacramental preparation for students in grades K-10. |
Contact: Sharon Reynolds, Gina Burby: |